The Electric Car Owners Club was started in 1982 by Frank
Didik as an informal association of electric car owners and
enthusiasts. At that time, interest in electric cars developed during
the second gasoline crises in 1977, had died out, and it was very
difficult for electric car owners to obtain information on
maintaining and improving their electric cars. The club acted as a
focal point for electric car owners. By 1986, over 900 electric
vehicle owners world wide had joined the group. Most owners had
either CitiCars, ComutaCars, Elcars (from Italy) or various
conversions such as VW Beatles, Renault R5's, Renault Dalphine's,
Bradly GT2's and even van conversions such as the Electric Jet Van.
There was never a fee to join, though many members contributed their
time and money to send out a newsletter and operate the BBS system.
What distinguished Electric Car Owners Club members from so
many other groups today, is that almost every member not only
discussed electric cars, but also owned and drove electric cars on a
regular basis.
The Electric Car Owners Club also maintained an
extensive library and photo collection of various electric cars world
wide. Sadly, some of the archives were destroyed in a fire in 1992.
Nevertheless, much of the remaining archives (over 20,000 pages of
records) are being scanned and edited and is expected to be published
on CD-ROM in mid 2002. This database/archive should be of great
interest to all electric car owners and enthusiasts.

The Electric Car Owners Club is also known as the
Electric Car Society. Today, the world wide web, with its many
excellent electric vehicle related discussion groups and mailing
lists, has very adequately covered the area that the Electric Car
Owners Club had set out to do. We have been encourage all
members to get on the web and join these groups. Over the next few
months, a number of additional files will be placed on the WWW. Some
of the files to be included are original CitiCar catalogs, repair,
information, sources of parts and various databases. Electric car
owners, enthusiasts and builders will probably find the upcoming
CD-ROM of use.
Vehicle Licenes Plates:
We are presently working with various motor vehicle offices
throughout the USA and Canada to develope a new line of licese plates
for electric vehicles. Above is a preliminary sample of the plate
that is expected to be issued by the State of New York which we are
sponsoring. When the plates are availalbe, you will be able to order
it directly from this site.
Electric Car Owners Club electric vehicle links
To be placed on our mailing list or
to receive information on CD-Roms, obtain a press kit please click here: Electric
Vehicle Registration
ev1 at
note: in an effort to control spam, when you send an email,
please include the phrase "electric car club" in the
heading and also give a three to five word explanation what the email
is about Thank you. |